Monday, October 28, 2013

Bermuda Triangle

       The Bermuda Triangle is also known as the Devil's Triangle, it's an undefined part of the North Atlantic Ocean. It's also known for people, planes, and ships disappearing in the Bermuda Triangle too, no one really knows why these things happen at all. Charles Berlitz believes that Atlantis was real, and that Atlantis was some how connected to the Bermuda Triangle.
       People believe that the explanation of things disappearing lies in some sort of very rare yet a natural reason. For example ships and planes may be destroyed by methane gas that exist in large amounts under the sea. There are multiple reasons for the ships, planes and people disappearing, but no one really knows what happens.
      Larry Kusche had answered the question 'Is there really any mystery to explain?' Kusche had said that there is no mystery about the Bermuda Triangle. He had stated that the 'mysterious disappearances' were false, and had found that the story was practically made by mistakes. 

Haley West

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