Wednesday, November 6, 2013


      The Leopluradon is now extinct. They were an aquatic reptile predator. That lived during the mid-late Jurassic period.
      They were found in a strip of ancient rock going through England. It's fossils have also been found in France and Russia. The clay has been preserved for more than 160 million years along with different marine creatures.
      The jaws of a Leopluradon are estimated to be 3 meters (10ft.) long. The body was about 10 meters (33ft.) long. They swam at a speed of 6mph.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Blog #2 Mermaids

A mermaid is a legendary aquatic creature with the upper body of a female human and the tail of a fish. Christopher Columbus reported seeing these creatures when he was exploring the Caribbean and sightings have been reported in the 20th and 21st centuries in Canada, Israel, and Zimbabwe. The United States National Ocean Service stated in 2012 that no evidence of mermaids have ever been found.  
Reported Sights of Mermaids
~Christopher Columbus-1493
~Blackbeard and sailors-??
~In Vancouver, Canada-1870 & 1890 
~Victoria, Canada-1967
~Japanese soldiers on Kei Islands-1943 
~Kiryatyam- August 2009 
On the video of Animal Planet's Mermaid: The new Evidence, a scientist witnesses in Greenland in a submarine is a humanoid creature approaching and touching their submarine. NOAA released a  saying "the person identified as NOAA scientist was an actor named David Evans. 

Dr. O

Dolphins are marine mammals closely related to whales and porpoises.there are almost forty species of dolphin in 17 genera. They vary in size from 1.2m and 40kg, up to 9.5m and 10 tones. There make a lot of sounds and love to play in the water. They live in the ocean with whales and other animals. There are baby dolphins and big dolphins in the ocean.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Dr. Ryan Thalattoarchon Saurophagis

Thalattoarchon saurophagis—translates to "lizard-eating sovereign of the sea. It was at least 28 feet (8.6 meters) long and lived about 244 million years ago during the Triassic period.The bus-size beast was an early ichthyosaur, part of a group of reptiles that swam the world's seas during the dinosaur era.

The Thalattoarchon fossil, partially dug up in 1998, was unusually well preserved, including the skull, fins, and entire vertebral column. Which is pretty amazing, particularly for an animal this size. In 2010, a group of archaeologists returned to the Nevada site to dig up the rest of the fossil. 

In the process, the scientists discovered an enormous skull and jaw-laden with large, sharp teeth that are big enough to carve up other large marine reptiles. Thalattoarchon's modern relatives would be orcas and great white shark both of which will take on similar-size prey. 

The sea monster's discovery also shows how ecosystems can bounce back from even the most extreme events.This animal occurs only eight million years after the biggest mass extinction event in Earth's history, The Permian extinction (which literally wiped out up to 95 percent of all the species in the ocean). "The ocean was a pretty empty place afterward."


The abyss is full of monsters and odd fish. Some theoretical (giant stingray) and some just strange (angler fish). The main reason for not knowing all about this part of the ocean is mainly because the water pressure is so intense that most living things will die. Another reason is most  submarines do not have enough oxygen to get to the bottom.
As far as we know the animals may be this big.
Or this weird.
In the end the abyss is full of monsters known and unknown. And we may never reach the bottom.
But the abyss will never seem to stop being amazing.

I am Dr.Toradorasaur an oceanographer for 8th period science class. I find marine animals mythical or not and write about them. Facts about them like where there found,and what they look like.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Bermuda Triangle

       The Bermuda Triangle is also known as the Devil's Triangle, it's an undefined part of the North Atlantic Ocean. It's also known for people, planes, and ships disappearing in the Bermuda Triangle too, no one really knows why these things happen at all. Charles Berlitz believes that Atlantis was real, and that Atlantis was some how connected to the Bermuda Triangle.
       People believe that the explanation of things disappearing lies in some sort of very rare yet a natural reason. For example ships and planes may be destroyed by methane gas that exist in large amounts under the sea. There are multiple reasons for the ships, planes and people disappearing, but no one really knows what happens.
      Larry Kusche had answered the question 'Is there really any mystery to explain?' Kusche had said that there is no mystery about the Bermuda Triangle. He had stated that the 'mysterious disappearances' were false, and had found that the story was practically made by mistakes. 

Haley West

Friday, October 25, 2013


Hey I'm Dr. Fancy Pants from the 8th period class. I would like to learn about the starfish, where it lives, what it does, and how does it survive? All these questions can be answered! I would also like to learn how does it protect itself from its enemies. The starfish might be a cool creature to you but to me the starfish is a unique creature.The starfish can be a creature that doesn't really do anything or a creature that is active.I would really like to learn how the starfish lives. In the oceans there is many mythical creatures that lie beneath the depths of the oceans that I would really like to discover!!!!!

Hello I'm Dr.Toradorasaur one of the oceanographers for the 8th period science class. I will be searching and writing about different marine creatures. Some are mythical and some are not.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hello there

Hello there my name is doctor stein. I am a oceanographer. And we will learn about the real monsters of the ocean. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Hi my name is Dr. Wonderland, I'll be one of the oceanographer's for this six weeks, I would like to learn about the ocean and it's mysterious creatures.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Hi,my name is Dr.Fancy Pants,I will be one of the oceanographer's for the second six weeks. I would like to learn about the ocean. 
Hi, my name is Dr. Seuss. I'm the oceanographer, and what I'd really like to learn is some of the animals I've never seen or even heard of.  

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

My name is Dr. O. This week I'm Oceanographer. I Would like to learn how big the ocean is.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Hi, my name is Dr. Ryan. I am the oceanographer for the second six weeks. I would like to learn about the ocean.