Friday, May 30, 2014


For my project I observed my dogs and listed how many times I feed and watered them a day and ,how many times I let them out to use the rest room .i also had to take pictures of them to show the class what the look like .

Dr. Ryan The Sea Floor

For my project I had to make a 3D model of the ocean floor. I used rocks, paper, felt, styrofoam and cardboard. I put cute little Animals in there too.

The sea floor

My project, though not the best, shows the ocean floor and certain features. Along with these features are aquatic life like the sponge and starfish. This is my project and I stand by it.

Dr. Coke

I did a model of the sea floor. you can examine the different and various creatures that live in our ocean. And be amazed at there exciting and vibrant environment!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Model is a little ocean floor model. I painted the water different shades to represent the sun shining on the water all the way to the bottom where it gets darker. There are lots of different animals in the bottom representing what you might see in the ocean! I used sand paper to represent the gritty, tan sand. I put palm trees and islands to show what all you might see. There are labels repping the things down in the ocean floor. Like the abyssal plain, oceanic ridge, trench, magma, and so on.